The platform does not require installation on a computer and all that is needed to work with it is the Internet. Newsmaker is well compatible with modern browsers.
A security system was additionally developed for the platform because of its openness. Each employee has certain rights and restrictions in order to minimize the possibility of interference in the system from the outside.
The creation of a media archive is another important function for a video content producer. Experience shows that not any archive of files can exist autonomously within such a company. Therefore, it was decided to add some media asset management (MAM) functions to Newsmaker allowing solving tasks linked with storing, cataloguing, searching, transcoding and moving content.
- video content creation with the opportunity to simplify the process of creating news/tv show content;
- building individual flow for each tv show/news category;
- planning, launching, controlling and monitoring of the broadcast;
- live broadcasting;
- ad management and ad tracking;
- combining the work of different media;
- selling video content;
- working with the archive;
- communication between employees.

The system is integrated with playout servers and the website of the channel. In addition, the platform can perform not only its basic functions we described above, but also implement the processes you need. It can be quickly and easily integrated into any structure taking into account all the necessary factors, such as the available equipment, methods of content preparation and production, as well as professional qualification of employees.
And of course, you should never forget about your employees who will spend at least 8 hours a day working with the platform. A user-friendly and logical interface, clear flow, commenting and a chat make the process much more enjoyable.
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CEO Luxnet
Our company has been delivering commercially successful products for nearly a decade. We are aware of the importance not only of creating but of launching a successful product. Also, we understand the complexities during the process of its growth and are always here to provide support. Our strengths are tech solutions for media businesses, video live streaming and enterprise solutions. We appreciate honesty and professionalism, you can make sure of that!